Citrus Fruit Trees

At Flora Grubb Gardens, we only offer citrus trees that are proven to thrive in San Francisco gardens. We are proud to offer dwarf citrus trees grown by Four Winds Growers. Four Winds is a family business which has specialized in developing dwarf fruit trees for Northern California gardens since the 1950s.

The climate in San Francisco is particularly well suited to a handful of citrus trees. Many citrus trees need lots of hot sun to get sweet fruit, which SF cannot provide. If you stick to varieties that don’t mind the “cool” conditions, you can have a wonderful harvest.

Citrus needs lots of warm sun to get flowers and fruit. Whether in the ground of in a pot, to get fruit on your citrus tree you will need to provide least 8 hours of direct sun. Citrus requires good drainage. It will tolerate poor soils as long as they drain well. Citrus will grow well with regular water and fertilizer.

Citrus will thrive in a pot with at least 4 hours of sun, regular water, regular fertilizer, and protection from wind. Potted citrus is not a good choice for a windy deck.

We often say that if San Francisco had an “official” fruit tree, it would be the Meyer Lemon. The Meyer lemon is almost ever-flowering and offers beautiful and delicious golden fruit nearly year-round in Bay Area gardens. If you’ve never grown citrus before consider a Meyer!

For tons of excellent advice and information. visit the Four Winds Growers web site.


Of course citrus fruit is delicious, but we also love to grow citrus to use both the flowers and fruit in our garden bouquets. The flower’s scent is strong enough to perfume a whole room.

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